// // Author: J. Odeyer // Date: 2012/3/08 // Last modif date: // version: 1.0.0 // // This script add javascript functions to have collapsable/extendable sections. // // Dependencies: // This class relies on jQuery core library and jQuery UI css - it is based on the accordion jQuery UI widget for the css class name // It extends jQuery object with a collapsablesection plugin function // // How to?: // Use by default a hml markup template as below //

section header

section content
;(function($) { $.collapsablesection = { defaults: { _isExpanded: true , isCollapsable: true , showCollapseIcon: true , collapsedIconClass: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e' , expandedIconClass: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s' , helperSelector: '>h3:first' , persistJsObject: false , persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector: '>input[type="hidden"]:first' } }; $.fn.extend({ collapsablesection: function(settings) { if (typeof settings == "string") { return this.each(function() { switch (settings) { case "collapse": //call the collapse function() collapse(this); break; case "expand": //call the expand function() expand(this); break; case "isExpanded": //call the expand function() return isExpanded(this); break; default: return alert('this method is not supported'); } }); } //merge default settings with settings passed and defined settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.collapsablesection.defaults, settings); return this.each(function() { //make a copy of the settings object var objsettings = eval("(" + JSON.stringify(settings)+ ")"); if(objsettings.persistJsObject && objsettings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector != null && objsettings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector.length > 0) { //gets the hidden field used to persist object settings var currentState_hiddenField = $(this).find(objsettings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector).first(); if(currentState_hiddenField.length > 0 && currentState_hiddenField.val().length > 0) { objsettings = $.extend(true, {}, objsettings, eval("(" + currentState_hiddenField.val() + ")")); } } //associate settings data to the DOM element $.data(this, 'collapsablesection', objsettings); //set element variable with this auto-reference var element = this; //add css class to the the main element $(this) .addClass('ui-accordion') .addClass('ui-widget') .addClass('ui-helper-reset') .addClass('ui-accordion-icons') ; //gets the helper (title bar) (h3 DOM element) var helper = $(this).find(objsettings.helperSelector); //add css class / events to the helper, div container helper .addClass('ui-accordion-header') .addClass('ui-helper-reset') .addClass('ui-state-default') .addClass('ui-state-active') .addClass('ui-corner-all') .hover( function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); }, function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); } ) .click(function() { var currentSettings = $(element).data('collapsablesection'); if(currentSettings.isCollapsable) { //collapse if _isExpanded setting property = true, otherwise expand it collapseExpand(element, !currentSettings._isExpanded); } }) .next() .addClass('ui-accordion-content') .addClass('ui-helper-reset') .addClass('ui-widget-content') .addClass('ui-corner-bottom') ; //add collapsable / expandable icon if(objsettings.showCollapseIcon) { helper .prepend( $('') .addClass('ui-icon') .addClass(objsettings.expandedIconClass) ) ; } //collapse or expand the element depending on the value of _isExpanded collapseExpand(element, objsettings._isExpanded); }); } }); //retrieve settings of the DOM element function settings(element) { return $.data(element, 'collapsablesection'); } function saveCurrentState(element) { //retrieve the current settings for that DOM element var currentSettings = settings(element); if(currentSettings.persistJsObject && currentSettings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector != null && currentSettings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector.length > 0) { //serialize the schedulerInfo object to a JSON string var jsonString = JSON.stringify(currentSettings); //update hidden field with this value $(element) .find(settings.persistJsObject_hiddenFieldSelector) .val(jsonString) ; } } //collaspse/expand DOM element depending on the value of expand (true: expand, false: collapse) function collapseExpand(element, expand) { //retrieve the current settings for that DOM element var currentSettings = settings(element); //determines the css class var collapsedExplandedIconClass = currentSettings.collapsedIconClass; if (expand) { collapsedExplandedIconClass = currentSettings.expandedIconClass; } //gets the helper (title bar) (h3 DOM element) var helper = $(element) .find(currentSettings.helperSelector) .first() ; //change expanded/collpased icon if(currentSettings.showCollapseIcon) { helper .find('>span.ui-icon:first') .removeClass(currentSettings.collapsedIconClass + ' ' + currentSettings.expandedIconClass) .addClass(collapsedExplandedIconClass) ; } //collapse/expand the div element if (expand) { //change corner css class helper .removeClass('ui-corner-all') .addClass('ui-corner-top') ; //show content div element helper .next() .show() ; } else { //hide content div element helper .next() .hide() ; //change corner css class helper .removeClass('ui-corner-top') .addClass('ui-corner-all') ; } //update _isExpanded setting property currentSettings._isExpanded = expand; //update the element's data object $(element).data('collapsablesection', currentSettings) //save current state saveCurrentState(element); } //collapse DOM element function collapse(element) { return collapseExpand(element, false); } //expand DOM element function expand(element) { return collapseExpand(element, true); } //get value of _isExpanded function isExpanded(element) { //retrieve the current settings for that DOM element var currentSettings = settings(element); //return _isExpanded setting property return currentSettings._isExpanded; } })(jQuery); if (typeof (Sys) !== 'undefined') Sys.Application.notifyScriptLoaded();